Treatment writer Get the best film story or treatment written for your film

Treatment writer | Film story writing | Screenplay treatment

Pinaki is the treatment writer of over 2 dozen films, animated films and tv/web series. The very first step to starting a film project is creating a rock-solid screenplay treatment. Treatment writing is really film story writing. A story is to a film what a seed is to a tree. If the seed is good, the tree would be good. If you have a bad story for your film, you end up making a bad film. It is important to invest in a good treatment writer to come up with the best screenplay treatment.

Pinaki is the founder of; the world’s leading screenplay writing service.

A treatment is a condensed version of the screenplay in 15 – 20 pages, and has all scenes in the form of synopsis. A screenplay treatment is a basic form from which a screenplay is expanded. If the treatment or film story writing is rock solid, it becomes easier for the screenplay to develop a screenplay from it.

Hire Pinaki to write your film story or treatment, which is the very first step to starting a film project.

Read samples

Click here to read treatment samples written by Pinaki.

Fee structure

Fee for writing a 15 – 20 page treatment: US$ 300 / INR 20,000.